How do I integrate Dialogflow V2 API with HTML and JavaScript?
January 5th, 2019 |
Answers, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Assistants
One of the most common questions I receive at the moment is — how do I integrate the new Dialogflow V2 API with front-end HTML and JavaScript? V1 had a JavaScript API, which I've used for a range of examples online for Dialogflow apps... but V2 doesn't have an API like that. So, what are our options?
Four things for developers to keep in mind when creating a chatbot
April 15th, 2018 |
Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Assistants
There are a whole lot of considerations that come into play when making a chatbot — it's not quite as straightforward as many believe it is on first look! Rae Steinbach from Snaps has some tips to share.
Using Dialogflow to make smarter Twitch bots
March 5th, 2018 |
Answers, Artificial Intelligence
Twitch bots can be a whole lot of fun, they respond to key words, commands like !shoutout and common actions like users joining chat. However, what if they could be smarter? Have a conversation? Chime in on conversations happening in stream? That's what I tried to make possible with my Dialogflow Twitch Bot Bridge — available for free on GitHub.
Insights into the world of machine learning from a chief scientist
September 27th, 2017 |
Artificial Intelligence, Interviews
Dr. Sid J Reddy is chief scientist at Conversica and will be speaking at AI with the Best about creating an automated sales assistant that engages in genuine human conversation! I thought I'd ask him for his insights into the world of machine learning, natural language processing and our AI-powered future!
The rise of artificial intelligence — where are we headed & why now?
August 14th, 2017 |
Artificial Intelligence
The world of artificial intelligence is an intimidating one for many developers out there. Even just understanding where we are amongst it all can be a tough challenge. I recently spent time working out how to explain AI to a crowd of web developers for Web Directions Code and thought I'd turn my talk into an article series! Here's part one, a look at where things are right now, where we're headed and why we urgently need to discuss AI's future today.
Talking machine learning with Tanmay Bakshi at the IBM Watson Summit!
August 8th, 2017 |
Artificial Intelligence, Interviews
I spoke with Tanmay Bakshi all about machine learning, how he got into developing software so early on, what he thinks about the Singularity and more in this interview outside the IBM Watson Summit in Sydney!