Virtual Reality

This team is building a new platform for moving around in VR
May 23rd, 2018 | Interviews, Virtual Reality
Puya Abolfathi and his Sydney-based team at Visospace are putting together smooth omnidirectional locomotion using a hoverboard-like device called the Alto100. It has reached 100% funding on Indiegogo this week and I wanted to get some more detail on their tech!
The Royal Australian Navy are giving VR-powered diversity and inclusion training a go!
December 11th, 2017 | Interviews, Virtual Reality
In a great tale of VR startup success, Equal Reality, a group focused on reducing unconscious bias through virtual reality, have recently built a custom version of their app for the Royal Australian Navy's cultural reform program. I spoke to Brennan, one of the founders of the team, about their exciting news!
This group is using 360 video and VR to help stop sexual harassment
November 22nd, 2017 | Interviews, Virtual Reality
Sexual assault and harassment is a serious problem across many cultures and industries, the ever growing list of #metoo stories of the past two months are evidence of that. Vantage Point is looking to use 360 video in VR to create a sexual harassment training program. I spoke to Morgan Mercer, the CEO and founder, about the project and what their plans are.
What is Windows Mixed Reality?
October 16th, 2017 | Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality
Microsoft's HoloLens and their range of VR-style headsets are all Windows Mixed Reality headsets. How can this be? One is an augmented reality headset and the others are virtual reality headsets! We'd previously seen the term mixed reality used to define a certain type of AR... has it changed? I asked around and found the answer. Here's what Windows Mixed Reality is and how it fits in with virtual reality and augmented reality.
How do I sign up for the SteamVR Beta?
September 26th, 2017 | Virtual Reality
Here's a super quick guide to signing up for the SteamVR Beta so that you can enjoy new features in VR before everyone else! Get that boxing ring!
Hundreds of hours of virtual reality art — the incredible works of VRHuman
August 28th, 2017 | Virtual Reality
Vlad, known by many as VRHuman, spends a good deal of his time experimenting with new forms of art. I was super impressed with his VR artworks and just had to chat with him about VR art and the newest tool on the block, Google's Blocks.